Install TbcParser Component in Delphi 11.3
In order to install TbcParser in Delphi 11.3, you need to first pick the menu Install Component in your IDE:
You will see the following screen where you will pick the XE version of the bcParser.pas file you purchased (We send you two bcParser.pas versions,
one for old Delphi versions and Lazaerus, and another for the newer XE and later Delphi):
After you click next in above screen, you will see the following dialog where you pick a new package folder and package name (You can name it as you like, below is a suggestion TbcParserPkg.dpk):
When you click �Finish� in the above screen, you will see the following success dialog:
The TbcParser component appears on the component pallette and you can drag drop it on your form in a VCL project:
However, your project may not build because it does not know where your bcParser.pas file is. So you need to add the location of bcParser.pas to your �Search Path�
in your project options:
After you save �Search Path� settings, you can build your project successfully:
Happy coding!!